Saturday, April 25, 2009


Here's the latest: C. Diff. For those who know hospitals, you know that it's pretty common. It is infectious and contagious...kind of. Many people have this bacteria occurring naturally in their bodies. When on antibiotics, or immuno-suppressed, or both as is the case with The Boy, it can become a problem. Diarrhea is a symptom, although The Boy had that for several days before testing positive for C. Diff.

Generally, healthy people don't get it, especially if they take typical contact precautions. Musical Daddy and I are both feeling a little gastrointestinally distressed; hopefully it is stress and different eating patterns and not C. Diff. If either of us has it, we'll get treatment for it as well. I called my OB office to check and see what to do. The doctor was not too concerned but said that if I have symptoms by Monday (and I have an appointment anyway), they can order a stool culture.

Never had to do one of those before...

So let's check and see how I did with my motivational ending paragraph in my last post. I cleaned out The Boy's drawers and broke out the summer clothes for him. Some stuff from last summer will still fit, at least through the spring. I cleaned and sorted, and rotated, The Boy's toys and did some cleaning in the living area. I cleaned The Boy's booster seat and discovered that it has a second height setting (we switched him to a different chair and it is a bit shorter). I straightened the bedroom. Those were all the things I wrote; I also did a bit of laundry and cleaned the bathroom. I rested some, but mostly did housework, so I'm tired.

It's starting to get to me, being in the hospital. The Boy is such a sweetheart, and since I'm so used to the hospital routine, it is pretty easy to get decent rest while here. As I said, I like the bed that we got because I can actually sleep on my back. But Musical Daddy and I don't get to spend the time together, and of course we've slept apart all week. When I've been home, it's lonely to be without him and The Boy. When in the hospital, I'm with The Boy who is so sweet but without my husband.

We've been really lucky thus far; now we have to have a crappy time. I guess we were overdue for it.


Johanna S said...

I hope he can come home soon so the 3 of you can enjoy snuggling again and so he can check out and enjoy his new swing! By the way, I can't believe Baby Bear will be here in about two months! Wow! I hope this last trimester is treating you well.

Sarah said...

Darn it, just another thing to deal with....ugh, I am sending tons of prayers your way!

I think of your family nearly every day. *hugs*

JC said...

Hope you get to go home soon so you can all be together. I know it is hard. I'm right there with you. Unfortunately my air conditioner is not working right now, so I am actually missing the hospital. Crazy, I know. Anyways, I hope you all have a nice day. I'll be thinkin about you.