Saturday, May 2, 2009

In The Loop

I left the hospital yesterday afternoon so that I'd be home for the guy fixing the shower. I also got a little nap on the easy chair.

I rested at home until it was time to leave for a concert. I had been planning to go back to the hospital at dinnertime, but Grandma said that she was just fine with The Boy and not to worry. And I really don't, because Grandma is the best.

The concert was great. Additionally, there was a guest conductor who was the Director of Bands while I was doing my undergraduate work. I played in his bands for a few years. He remembered me, remembered Musical Daddy, and of course asked where he was. I told him that Musical Daddy was directing his chorus at their contest this weekend. He said that I looked the same as I did when I was a student. He didn't mention the watermelon that I seemed to be carrying under my dress. But that felt pretty good to hear, considering that I was 20 years old the last time he saw me.

The director of the wind ensemble was also glad to see me and asked about Musical Daddy and The Boy. His wife is a colleague of mine (or was, anyway, and hopefully will be again) and a friend, and it was nice to see her and another colleague that evening and talk about music stuff and school stuff and think about things that normal people do.

I was glad to get informed, anyway, about some positive and some negative things that have been going on in our school and our district.

I woke up every few minutes starting at about 6:30 because I have been so accustomed to getting up that early...but I really wanted to stay in bed longer. Finally I dragged my tired self out of bed and into the shower at 7:30. I stopped at the store to pick up more grape juice and some ginger ale, along with a few other items, and I arrived at the hospital around 9:00.

Grandma said that The Boy had a good night. He was up at 6:30--maybe he was channeling me so that I'd wake up with him, even though I wasn't there. Who knows. I don't yet know how his blood pressure has been. I should have thought to ask.

Currently, he is taking 5 mg of Vasotech in the morning, and 2.5 mg of Norvasc in the morning and at night. He tolerated my giving it to him in grape juice--I put a bit in the cup and he drank from the cup. The nurse wanted him to get more of it, though, so I had to put the rest in a syringe with the juice, which he wasn't crazy about, but grape juice hides icky flavors pretty darned well.

No big plans for today other than to hang out with Grandma and The Boy. He is very snuggly and sweet.

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