Saturday, August 15, 2009

Walk Tall

This morning, we went for a walk to the diner and the Farmer's Market. The Boy's white count is, hopefully, on its way up, although we were very careful about hand-wiping and not letting him touch too much stuff. I bought some extra veggies because I'd really like to make a habit of eating them. Raw, even.

Tiny Guy was complaining on the way there but fortunately fell asleep. I'd just as soon not bring a screaming infant into the diner if I can avoid it.

He woke up as we were finishing at the market and was HUNGRY. I fed him by the fountain in the middle of town. Musical Daddy took The Boy to the bank, which wasn't open, so we had to go back after Tiny Guy was done eating.

When we got home, we ALL napped. Truly a rare treat.

It seems as though I spend a lot of time feeding Tiny Guy. Fortunately, at some point, it gets better. He will get faster at eating and will settle down in general. In the meantime, it's a good thing he's cute.

Anyhow, we had lunch at home and went to Nomahegan Park to walk the trail. I'm feeling much better because I've been walking a lot. I am looking forward to getting back into a lifting routine. It's been years, but I figure that if I mention it on my blog and talk about it from time to time (and this also feeds into Facebook so I get lots of readers), it will be motivation enough for me to keep it going, at least as often as I can. One of my blog buddies, JC, has been involved in competitive fitness but is taking time off from that to care for her daughter who has another type of kidney cancer called Rhabdoid Tumor. Have I mentioned that cancer sucks? Srsly.

Now we're home. Perhaps later this evening either Musical Daddy or I will take The Boy for a bike ride.

I like outside. It's pleasant. Even though it's hot. I get cabin fever pretty easily, and it appears that Tiny Guy has acquired that flaw as well. If it is a flaw at all--some people just like to keep moving! The Boy has taken on so many of Musical Daddy's character traits already. By default, I am mostly in charge of Tiny Guy because his whole world revolves around eating and staying comfortable. Mostly eating, which is my responsibility. His personality is tricky to assess, although it is easy to just say that he is fussy and stubborn...he's really too young for us to make that call because he is still so unsettled.

Anyhow, I'm going to go ahead and feed him now, even though he is currently sleeping. That way, he should be good through dinnertime.

1 comment:

JC said...

Glad to hear you are wanting to get some exercise & workout. It helps to have a partner to go with...that way you don't just skip it. I hope you are able to get into a good routine that works for you and the family. Bike rides are good exercise too and one of my favorite sources right now cause I can take Summer and not worry about her getting all germy. :) I also enjoy pushing the stroller up and down does a body good!!!