Friday, June 11, 2010


Meatball just made poo on the potty. Yes, I said Meatball.

He was making "those" noises, so I put him on the potty, made "those" noises right back at him, and out it came.

My motivation for even starting him on the potty this early, other than the fact that many other cultures don't use diapers or use them infrequently, is because of his sensitive skin. Any time he can be out of diapers, or avoid sitting in poo/pee, it's good for him.

Who knows--maybe I can Meatball trained before The Boy. Wouldn't that be something...


Sarah said...

Wow, that's awesome! Way to go, Meatball!

JC said...

Rock on! Maybe he'll inspire David. :) Happy potty training.