News, from Channel 11
The Pittsburgh Public Schools has a remarkable program in a state-of-the-art facility. It is the performing arts 6-12 school. Since I attended, there have been many changes, some positive, some not, although there has been a comforting lack of faculty turnover. Why leave, when you get to work with, and for, the best?
As you see from the transcript above, I was on TV, and I said that removing the private instruction component from the program would be devastating.
The money is scarce. But the cuts being asked for are hardly going to save anyone anything.
When I spoke in front of the school board, I focused on the issue of wanting the best for other people's children. I want as many kids as possible to have as many opportunities as possible. Not just because it would be good for me professionally (as in, maybe I could actually GET a job), but I want people to be happier and better off from having had more education and having spent time in an environment where they matter, regardless of what happens at home. Happier people who have had enriching experiences can only be better for society, right?
This is a simplification, but allow me to indulge my inner hippie. If you have happy kids who go to school and are made to feel worthless, that will be what is unleashed on society when they graduate. If you provide opportunities for them to accomplish big things in school, they'll want to accomplish big things when they are finished.
I am thankful for having had the opportunity to attend this school many years ago. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to perform this evening alongside students, teachers, and other alumni. I really hope that the wonderful programs are still available for my children.
Do not make assumptions about me or my writing simply because my blog has the word "Mommy" in it.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
For good guests
This is going to sound really trite, but since the month is coming to an end, I have my deeper posts coming up tomorrow. And if I don't finish by the end of November...tough.
Today I am thankful that at our Thanksgiving table on Thursday, we had the right kind of guests. People who eat the food, like the food, and say so. And take leftovers. So that on Sunday night, pretty much all the Thanksgiving food is gone. Except for a nice pot of turkey soup.
Today I am thankful that at our Thanksgiving table on Thursday, we had the right kind of guests. People who eat the food, like the food, and say so. And take leftovers. So that on Sunday night, pretty much all the Thanksgiving food is gone. Except for a nice pot of turkey soup.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
For breakfast, and for religious education
Double-post again. I can't imagine why I could be so distracted.
Last night I was watching a very funny movie with Musical Daddy, so there's my excuse. It's not a good one, but I really wanted to pay attention to the movie and laugh out loud with him instead of putzing around online at the same time.
Yesterday, Musical Daddy did have to go to work, but it was a late day for him. We got to go out for breakfast, and my father joined us.
Going out for breakfast has been one of our "things" for a long time. For parents who would like to teach their kids how to function at a restaurant, going for breakfast is a great start. Breakfast is usually served more quickly and in a less formal setting.
I remember going out to breakfast at Bagel Fragel in Ann Arbor; that's how far back our enjoyment of breakfast can be traced.
Anyhow, for yesterday and for the past several years, and years to come, I'm thankful for the tradition of breakfast out. I love to hear Little Bear say "Pancakes! Woo!"
Today, I was the "cantorial soloist" in the main service at our temple. Many Reform Jewish congregations do not have a single cantor (although the two congregations where I attended at various points in New Jersey both had cantors, with the second congregation being a place for student cantor placement) but instead have singers who do the job. And the weekend of Thanksgiving is one where the service isn't well attended and it might be challenging to find a person to sing. I'm not sure of their own religious backgrounds but I was able to do most of the service just from having grown up learning it. I got many compliments and was encouraged to participate again soon.
I am thankful for my Jewish education and for having had the opportunity to sing the service. I think of my husband's religious affiliation as musical-mercenary, meaning that he'll be whatever religion is currently paying him to sing. It was a pleasure to get to represent my own.
Last night I was watching a very funny movie with Musical Daddy, so there's my excuse. It's not a good one, but I really wanted to pay attention to the movie and laugh out loud with him instead of putzing around online at the same time.
Yesterday, Musical Daddy did have to go to work, but it was a late day for him. We got to go out for breakfast, and my father joined us.
Going out for breakfast has been one of our "things" for a long time. For parents who would like to teach their kids how to function at a restaurant, going for breakfast is a great start. Breakfast is usually served more quickly and in a less formal setting.
I remember going out to breakfast at Bagel Fragel in Ann Arbor; that's how far back our enjoyment of breakfast can be traced.
Anyhow, for yesterday and for the past several years, and years to come, I'm thankful for the tradition of breakfast out. I love to hear Little Bear say "Pancakes! Woo!"
Today, I was the "cantorial soloist" in the main service at our temple. Many Reform Jewish congregations do not have a single cantor (although the two congregations where I attended at various points in New Jersey both had cantors, with the second congregation being a place for student cantor placement) but instead have singers who do the job. And the weekend of Thanksgiving is one where the service isn't well attended and it might be challenging to find a person to sing. I'm not sure of their own religious backgrounds but I was able to do most of the service just from having grown up learning it. I got many compliments and was encouraged to participate again soon.
I am thankful for my Jewish education and for having had the opportunity to sing the service. I think of my husband's religious affiliation as musical-mercenary, meaning that he'll be whatever religion is currently paying him to sing. It was a pleasure to get to represent my own.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
We Give Thanks
It's long overdue but I feel that I have to change Meatball's blog name to Little Bear, not only to correspond with Musical Daddy but because he is SO not a meatball anymore. He is tall and slender and very handsome. Ender is a little meatball but I'm going to keep calling him Ender, so as to avoid confusion.
Again I find myself doing two days' worth of "thankful" posts in one day. I definitely had last night's post in my head but, as per usual, collapsed before the text made it into cyberspace.
Last night's concept came to my head as I was beginning to make the Thanksgiving feast. I'm thankful that, because of our situation in staying with my parents, we are able to have a feast. At this point, were we on our own and paying rent or mortgage and other bills, we'd probably be able to do something for Thanksgiving since we do have income these days...but not like the spread we were planning for today. That's my parents providing the tools and me making it into a meal.
Saying it in a different way, I'm thankful for the plenty. I know that despite whatever happens, we are very privileged and very lucky, and the fact that my parents include us unconditionally is a blessing for the children and for us.
I do the bulk of the festive cooking around here. I do the bulk of the regular cooking around here, too, but events are really my thing. I love being able to cook for a full dining room.
Our menu included chicken soup with mom's matzoballs, homemade challah, cornbread, turkey, prime rib (that's my mom's favorite), mashed red potatoes, stuffing (made by mom), sweet potatoes (also made by mom), green beans and garlic (which were actually made by an awesome friend who came by to help), asparagus, and a token salad. Dessert was pumpkin pie (made using the pumpkin insides that were frozen from Halloween), cherry cobbler (with pie was supposed to be pie, but due to oven mismanagement it was baking while we ate and I don't like warm cherry pie but I like wasting pie crust even less), fruit kebabs (which our buddy made with The Boy helping), and fruit ice.
I took no pictures. I watched no football. I did catch some of a movie about Gilbert and Sullivan earlier in the day. I was BUSY.
I think this came up earlier in the month, this sense of being overwhelmed yet not feeling upset by it because I knew I had support from everyone else. I felt that way today--there was a LOT to be done, but I knew that I could finish what I needed and I knew that the other people in the house could do what they needed to do. At no point did I feel the need to yell, "You ungrateful SOB's sitting around on your cans while I slave away in this kitchen making a meal that you'll probably take 5 minutes to eat!" I can't promise that I won't say that 10 years from now, but I felt no need. The fact is, everyone was working. With three little children in the house, supervision is needed for them, and that's a job too. My father did a lot of dishes and chased children. My husband spent more time with children over the course of the evening and is now doing dishes. He is very diligent when it comes to cleaning up after meals--he won't leave dishes in the sink or on the table. They get done when they are supposed to get done.
There was no stress, no hurt feelings. At least from my perspective.
Our guests were wonderful. Aside from our awesome singing friend who came to help and unfortunately couldn't stay too long, we had a friend of The Boy from school along with her family, and a teacher and her husband. Little Bear made a point to tell me before bed that he likes both the friend and the teacher.
Thanksgiving is a funny time of the year for us. And ever since it became so, I've always reflected like this, both to catch up any new readers and just to put into words all that I'm feeling. For 3 years, I hosted it at our home in New Jersey, the last year of which we had The Boy and he was a baby. I was supposed to host it a fourth year, as Thanksgiving in my house was my thing, but that was the year of the diagnosis and treatment for The Boy, for those keeping track of the numbers. So that year, I made the meal, but we ate it in the hospital. And then we all got a virus, first The Boy, and then the rest of us, and the leftovers never got eaten.
The following year's Thanksgiving feast was prepared at my parents' house, now my home as well, by my sisters. That was two years ago, when my mother and I were in the middle of releasing The Boy from the hospital in New Jersey, along with Little Bear, and moving us from there to here. We drove all day. Musical Daddy was ahead of us, although he was supposed to have been behind us were it not for the surprise hospital admission. All of our things were already moved in thanks to Musical Daddy and some friends and helpers.
I love having this blog because I can go back and read exactly what was going through my head earlier on. This was the night before we left and I'm sure that I linked to this entry last year as well. The only thing that still stings a bit was my naive notion that I could take my career and move it elsewhere. It's been a VERY slow process even attempting to do that. I didn't know I'd have another baby when I wrote that. I did know I was having another baby last year at this time, but I wasn't sharing that information yet.
With all that said, I'm thankful for a wonderful feast, wonderful company, fantastic food, good health, three gorgeous children, and the second Thanksgiving in a row that didn't involve a hospital visit.
Again I find myself doing two days' worth of "thankful" posts in one day. I definitely had last night's post in my head but, as per usual, collapsed before the text made it into cyberspace.
Last night's concept came to my head as I was beginning to make the Thanksgiving feast. I'm thankful that, because of our situation in staying with my parents, we are able to have a feast. At this point, were we on our own and paying rent or mortgage and other bills, we'd probably be able to do something for Thanksgiving since we do have income these days...but not like the spread we were planning for today. That's my parents providing the tools and me making it into a meal.
Saying it in a different way, I'm thankful for the plenty. I know that despite whatever happens, we are very privileged and very lucky, and the fact that my parents include us unconditionally is a blessing for the children and for us.
I do the bulk of the festive cooking around here. I do the bulk of the regular cooking around here, too, but events are really my thing. I love being able to cook for a full dining room.
Our menu included chicken soup with mom's matzoballs, homemade challah, cornbread, turkey, prime rib (that's my mom's favorite), mashed red potatoes, stuffing (made by mom), sweet potatoes (also made by mom), green beans and garlic (which were actually made by an awesome friend who came by to help), asparagus, and a token salad. Dessert was pumpkin pie (made using the pumpkin insides that were frozen from Halloween), cherry cobbler (with pie was supposed to be pie, but due to oven mismanagement it was baking while we ate and I don't like warm cherry pie but I like wasting pie crust even less), fruit kebabs (which our buddy made with The Boy helping), and fruit ice.
I took no pictures. I watched no football. I did catch some of a movie about Gilbert and Sullivan earlier in the day. I was BUSY.
I think this came up earlier in the month, this sense of being overwhelmed yet not feeling upset by it because I knew I had support from everyone else. I felt that way today--there was a LOT to be done, but I knew that I could finish what I needed and I knew that the other people in the house could do what they needed to do. At no point did I feel the need to yell, "You ungrateful SOB's sitting around on your cans while I slave away in this kitchen making a meal that you'll probably take 5 minutes to eat!" I can't promise that I won't say that 10 years from now, but I felt no need. The fact is, everyone was working. With three little children in the house, supervision is needed for them, and that's a job too. My father did a lot of dishes and chased children. My husband spent more time with children over the course of the evening and is now doing dishes. He is very diligent when it comes to cleaning up after meals--he won't leave dishes in the sink or on the table. They get done when they are supposed to get done.
There was no stress, no hurt feelings. At least from my perspective.
Our guests were wonderful. Aside from our awesome singing friend who came to help and unfortunately couldn't stay too long, we had a friend of The Boy from school along with her family, and a teacher and her husband. Little Bear made a point to tell me before bed that he likes both the friend and the teacher.
Thanksgiving is a funny time of the year for us. And ever since it became so, I've always reflected like this, both to catch up any new readers and just to put into words all that I'm feeling. For 3 years, I hosted it at our home in New Jersey, the last year of which we had The Boy and he was a baby. I was supposed to host it a fourth year, as Thanksgiving in my house was my thing, but that was the year of the diagnosis and treatment for The Boy, for those keeping track of the numbers. So that year, I made the meal, but we ate it in the hospital. And then we all got a virus, first The Boy, and then the rest of us, and the leftovers never got eaten.
The following year's Thanksgiving feast was prepared at my parents' house, now my home as well, by my sisters. That was two years ago, when my mother and I were in the middle of releasing The Boy from the hospital in New Jersey, along with Little Bear, and moving us from there to here. We drove all day. Musical Daddy was ahead of us, although he was supposed to have been behind us were it not for the surprise hospital admission. All of our things were already moved in thanks to Musical Daddy and some friends and helpers.
I love having this blog because I can go back and read exactly what was going through my head earlier on. This was the night before we left and I'm sure that I linked to this entry last year as well. The only thing that still stings a bit was my naive notion that I could take my career and move it elsewhere. It's been a VERY slow process even attempting to do that. I didn't know I'd have another baby when I wrote that. I did know I was having another baby last year at this time, but I wasn't sharing that information yet.
With all that said, I'm thankful for a wonderful feast, wonderful company, fantastic food, good health, three gorgeous children, and the second Thanksgiving in a row that didn't involve a hospital visit.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
For seeing beauty
Last night I was stuck in traffic. It takes me between 10 and 15 minutes to get from downtown back to our house on the east end. Today, it took 45 minutes. I happened to be there for a rehearsal; I don't usually drive downtown during the late afternoon because, well, that's a horrible idea. If I worked downtown, I'd take the bus. Probably the busway, because that's a really fast way to get to the east end, if I could find someone to pick me up at the busway stop. At least then I'd get to play games or listen to music (which I can do while driving) or just chill out.
I was driving along a road that is up the hill from the river, on the south end of the "main land" of the city, if that makes sense. Slowly. Rain was coming down at a medium tempo, but the early dusk exacerbated its effects on driving conditions. As I came around a curve, I saw the bridge that one normally takes to get to the older business and entertainment area of the South Side (as opposed to the newer area a few blocks away). There were brake lights as far as the eye could see, wending their way through the various parts of the view. Clearly, everyone was looking to travel in the same direction. The view of that bridge, the city lights--with some holiday lights already in place--and even the serpentine picture of brake lights was actually quite picturesque and beautiful. Were I not driving, I'd have taken a picture and framed it.
For yesterday I am thankful that, even though I was sitting in lousy rush hour traffic, I still had the appreciation for beauty, in an unexpected situation. I'm just now remembering a set of photographs taken of The Boy in the hospital in New Jersey. He was thin, bald of course, but in a not-too-bad state overall. He had a little color to his face and even a little pinch to his cheeks. The photos were taken by a volunteer from Chai Lifeline who came to visit him and play with him and occasionally give us a little break. She was an amateur photographer. The pictures, as I remember them, were one of him asleep, one of him just looking at something and smiling, and then one of him playing a set of finger cymbals with glee. People generally don't tell you that a sickly looking cancer patient is beautiful, but these pictures really were. Even more so than many of the ones that we had of him, even when he was doing a little better. She just captured him perfectly and used the equipment at her disposal for really fantastic results.
Having been around a lot of visual artists, the ability to see the artistic opportunity in situations is something that I picked up. My mother was actually an art history minor in college, which I didn't know until a few years ago, although it makes sense. Despite her lack of spatial relationships to the point where if they had an IEP for it, she'd have had one, she was really good at talking about art and talking about painting and drawing. And now she has a love for cute crafts. She taught me a lot about how to draw faces properly. And, of course, I think that my children are beautiful.
I was driving along a road that is up the hill from the river, on the south end of the "main land" of the city, if that makes sense. Slowly. Rain was coming down at a medium tempo, but the early dusk exacerbated its effects on driving conditions. As I came around a curve, I saw the bridge that one normally takes to get to the older business and entertainment area of the South Side (as opposed to the newer area a few blocks away). There were brake lights as far as the eye could see, wending their way through the various parts of the view. Clearly, everyone was looking to travel in the same direction. The view of that bridge, the city lights--with some holiday lights already in place--and even the serpentine picture of brake lights was actually quite picturesque and beautiful. Were I not driving, I'd have taken a picture and framed it.
For yesterday I am thankful that, even though I was sitting in lousy rush hour traffic, I still had the appreciation for beauty, in an unexpected situation. I'm just now remembering a set of photographs taken of The Boy in the hospital in New Jersey. He was thin, bald of course, but in a not-too-bad state overall. He had a little color to his face and even a little pinch to his cheeks. The photos were taken by a volunteer from Chai Lifeline who came to visit him and play with him and occasionally give us a little break. She was an amateur photographer. The pictures, as I remember them, were one of him asleep, one of him just looking at something and smiling, and then one of him playing a set of finger cymbals with glee. People generally don't tell you that a sickly looking cancer patient is beautiful, but these pictures really were. Even more so than many of the ones that we had of him, even when he was doing a little better. She just captured him perfectly and used the equipment at her disposal for really fantastic results.
Having been around a lot of visual artists, the ability to see the artistic opportunity in situations is something that I picked up. My mother was actually an art history minor in college, which I didn't know until a few years ago, although it makes sense. Despite her lack of spatial relationships to the point where if they had an IEP for it, she'd have had one, she was really good at talking about art and talking about painting and drawing. And now she has a love for cute crafts. She taught me a lot about how to draw faces properly. And, of course, I think that my children are beautiful.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
For the calm, and for the freedom to speak
Missed another day. [EDIT: fell right asleep in the middle of writing last night, so I will finish Sunday and Monday this morning.] I was visited by an occupational therapy student who was learning about pediatric cancer. Might be a topic with which I have a bit of familiarity. I referred her to our blogs, of course, and I also tried to talk to her about how things went down with the cancer challenge, in the order in which events occurred.
Harder than expected when my mother was interrupting. I can't get upset, though. She was so involved in the process, and, important to yesterday's meeting, she had 2 of my children asleep on her lap.
I think that before The Boy has his next oncology follow up, I'm going to go through some of the photos of him going through treatment and let him know why he has to go. He has not yet begun to ask us too much about why he does all of this extra medical stuff. Ender goes plenty himself because that's the schedule for a newborn, so maybe The Boy still sees it as normal. Meatball pretty much never goes to the doctor at this point. Thank goodness, and may it stay that way. He goes for check ups. At age 2 and beyond, they go once a year.
Anyhow, I was able to talk to the interviewer and keep pretty cool. Later
on, after she had gone and I was alone upstairs for a bit, I realized that my body was carrying excessive tension.
I don't think that I repress my emotions in an unhealthy fashion; I'm just not such an emotionally demonstrative person. When interacting with my children and husband, there is an exception of course--they get hugs and kisses and are constantly told how I love them and how wonderful they are. However, I'm not usually the one to initiate the friend hugs. That said I'm glad to get them and am happy to reciprocate.
I am thankful for the constitution to soldier on for the well-being of my children. What a blessing that our biggest problems now are underemployment, out-of-control housework, and the occasional attitude problem. I need to show my kids that it's okay to feel emotions and react to them safely, but also that Mom is strong and reliable and can make them feel better by keeping the calm.
The school board public hearing happened last night. This is a forum where city residents can speak before the school board and superintendent. Speakers get 3 minutes. Press the mic button, start talking, and it shuts right off after 3 minutes.
I spoke in defense of my alma mater, a highly successful performing arts program within the city schools. My speech is posted as well. They wanted to do away with adjunct-taught private lessons for music and musical theater students, in the interest of saving money and filling classes. Private lessons are a pull-out, though, and students get them at this school as a part of the curriculum so that everyone is performing at a high enough level to be more than just high school performers. The school district receives a lot of recognition for this school and keeps a lot of families in-district who have the means to go elsewhere. One of the advantages of this big city school district is the ability for different schools to house different career programs and for students to choose based on interest and ability.
I am thankful for having had the opportunity to speak at this forum. I am pleased that there is such decorum and receptiveness. My mother spoke as well; she received thunderous applause for her ending quote: "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."
Also of note: the neighborhood school where my children will attend, should we stay right here in this neighborhood, had a LOT of representatives discussing their issues. I'm glad to see that the school has so many interested families.
Harder than expected when my mother was interrupting. I can't get upset, though. She was so involved in the process, and, important to yesterday's meeting, she had 2 of my children asleep on her lap.
I think that before The Boy has his next oncology follow up, I'm going to go through some of the photos of him going through treatment and let him know why he has to go. He has not yet begun to ask us too much about why he does all of this extra medical stuff. Ender goes plenty himself because that's the schedule for a newborn, so maybe The Boy still sees it as normal. Meatball pretty much never goes to the doctor at this point. Thank goodness, and may it stay that way. He goes for check ups. At age 2 and beyond, they go once a year.
Anyhow, I was able to talk to the interviewer and keep pretty cool. Later
on, after she had gone and I was alone upstairs for a bit, I realized that my body was carrying excessive tension.
I don't think that I repress my emotions in an unhealthy fashion; I'm just not such an emotionally demonstrative person. When interacting with my children and husband, there is an exception of course--they get hugs and kisses and are constantly told how I love them and how wonderful they are. However, I'm not usually the one to initiate the friend hugs. That said I'm glad to get them and am happy to reciprocate.
I am thankful for the constitution to soldier on for the well-being of my children. What a blessing that our biggest problems now are underemployment, out-of-control housework, and the occasional attitude problem. I need to show my kids that it's okay to feel emotions and react to them safely, but also that Mom is strong and reliable and can make them feel better by keeping the calm.
The school board public hearing happened last night. This is a forum where city residents can speak before the school board and superintendent. Speakers get 3 minutes. Press the mic button, start talking, and it shuts right off after 3 minutes.
I spoke in defense of my alma mater, a highly successful performing arts program within the city schools. My speech is posted as well. They wanted to do away with adjunct-taught private lessons for music and musical theater students, in the interest of saving money and filling classes. Private lessons are a pull-out, though, and students get them at this school as a part of the curriculum so that everyone is performing at a high enough level to be more than just high school performers. The school district receives a lot of recognition for this school and keeps a lot of families in-district who have the means to go elsewhere. One of the advantages of this big city school district is the ability for different schools to house different career programs and for students to choose based on interest and ability.
I am thankful for having had the opportunity to speak at this forum. I am pleased that there is such decorum and receptiveness. My mother spoke as well; she received thunderous applause for her ending quote: "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."
Also of note: the neighborhood school where my children will attend, should we stay right here in this neighborhood, had a LOT of representatives discussing their issues. I'm glad to see that the school has so many interested families.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
For helpful debate
My project over the next I-don't-know-how-long involves fighting city hall, so to speak. I don't want to get into it too much because it has to do with school and I'm certainly being careful to represent myself well as a parent in the interest of not shooting my career in the foot.
I always enjoy sitting down to have real talks with my brother. Definitely not something that I can do while also devoting meaningful attention to my children. He and I don't necessarily see eye to eye when it comes to politics and policies, but now that we're adults, we can sit down and discuss things. Since I've been working on this school-related project, I started talking with him about the issues and it was nice to bounce ideas back and forth so that I can solidify my positions.
I'm thankful for the maturity and intelligence to engage in civil debate with a longtime adversary--my big brother.
Friday, November 18, 2011
For things going right
Today was pleasant. Truly. Thanksgiving celebration, complete with Stone Soup, at preschool. Amazing building this afternoon by The Boy. Great company from Aunt J who came to help us out...just because.
We attended services this evening, my father, the boys, and I. They were wonderful. It feels great to be a part of a community where my kids are starting to know people and be recognized.
The Boy drew an awesome picture for Grandma and even wrote on it for her. His handwriting is fantastic! He is only 4.
So, I am thankful that today was an easy day, that I had very little about which to complain. Not that I make it a point to complain, but I often have a moment or two that I wish I could take back. I'm really proud of all of us today.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
For sharing a meal
Today was mostly spent on various food preparations. A friend lost her mother yesterday, and she has family at her house. Naturally, we made them a meal.
We've done this before so many times--mobilize in order to help someone. I'm so thankful to have been taught to do this and so glad to be able to.
We've done this before so many times--mobilize in order to help someone. I'm so thankful to have been taught to do this and so glad to be able to.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
For big healthy babies
It's easy when you have a big baby. There is a lot less pressure.
Ender clocks in at 28 inches tall and weighs 17 pounds 1 ounce.
I'm thankful for his growth and health and for that of my other children as well.
Ender clocks in at 28 inches tall and weighs 17 pounds 1 ounce.
I'm thankful for his growth and health and for that of my other children as well.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
For my mommy
Today is my mother's birthday. She will tell you, repeatedly, how old she is (in the context of, "I'm 62 years old--you go upstairs and get it.") She has a wonderfully healthy attitude about being a mother and being a woman. It doesn't matter what our bodies look like, if they remain perfect, because we have each carried children, and we have them to love.
My mother and I lock horns from time to time. Sometimes it's just a matter of, we are here all the time, together and both focused on what's best for my little ones, yet I can't get past my own childhood mama drama, because who she is now is different from who she was then.
But that's her job! She's Grandma! The perpetual good cop. She does a great job of sticking with the rules and doing things the way that I prefer, but she's still Grandma.
How wonderful that because of our unfortunate career situation, my children know my parents so well that there is never an issue, never a concern.
Let's not forget, as well, the long hours and tireless efforts put in by my mother, and my father, back during the days of The Boy's cancer battle. We know very well that my mother can be given credit for the healthy state of my relationship with my husband--if she hadn't assumed so much responsibility for The Boy and really stepped up to become a member of the starting rotation, to use a baseball analogy, I don't know what would have happened. She became an additional comfort figure to The Boy, and having someone whom our children trust so much and love so much is an amazing thing.
She helps and supports us day in and day out. I try to repay her even a little bit by helping in the house and shopping and cooking meals, sometimes elaborate ones at her request. But she has taught me that if someone does something for you to help you out in troubled times, often you can't pay them back; you can only hope to pay it forward.
I am thankful for my mother. She is 62 today. May she continue to be healthy and happy and have a life full of joy.
My mother and I lock horns from time to time. Sometimes it's just a matter of, we are here all the time, together and both focused on what's best for my little ones, yet I can't get past my own childhood mama drama, because who she is now is different from who she was then.
But that's her job! She's Grandma! The perpetual good cop. She does a great job of sticking with the rules and doing things the way that I prefer, but she's still Grandma.
How wonderful that because of our unfortunate career situation, my children know my parents so well that there is never an issue, never a concern.
Let's not forget, as well, the long hours and tireless efforts put in by my mother, and my father, back during the days of The Boy's cancer battle. We know very well that my mother can be given credit for the healthy state of my relationship with my husband--if she hadn't assumed so much responsibility for The Boy and really stepped up to become a member of the starting rotation, to use a baseball analogy, I don't know what would have happened. She became an additional comfort figure to The Boy, and having someone whom our children trust so much and love so much is an amazing thing.
She helps and supports us day in and day out. I try to repay her even a little bit by helping in the house and shopping and cooking meals, sometimes elaborate ones at her request. But she has taught me that if someone does something for you to help you out in troubled times, often you can't pay them back; you can only hope to pay it forward.
I am thankful for my mother. She is 62 today. May she continue to be healthy and happy and have a life full of joy.
Monday, November 14, 2011
For chaos, supported
I have 3 days, not just one, because I just missed this weekend.
On Friday, I left after dinner with Ender to travel to Michigan for the wedding of a longtime friend. Musical Daddy was under the weather and, given his respiratory issues, 5 hours in the car followed by a night or two in a dry hotel room wasn't going to work.
Saturday's "I am thankful " is easy. I'm thankful to have this friend in my life, thankful that he married a wonderful person, and also thankful for the opportunity to have a great time with other friends. Instead of spending the time dancing at the wedding ( even though they did the couple dance and the dance with their parents), they had us playing trivia.
And we would have won if some of my teammates hadn't thought to do math without being able to add, instead of just going hard or going home, risking all the points. Not the purpose though..
it was much more important to have sat at the table with friends and even to be able to pick on these guys for their mathematical ineptitude.
There was much Michigan football and marching band geekery. A good time was had by all,
Sunday morning was a true return to normalcy. Both Musical Daddy and my mother were feeling better. I went to work teaching religious school. The boys did a lot of playing. And the mountain of laundry threatened once again to overtake us.
When I got home, my youngest sister was there, and no one had eaten. And they wanted to. To steal a phrase from another friend, it was time for Macgyver lunch.
Then to the laundry. And, later, to a lesson. Musical Daddy asked how I was feeling, and I said I was a little overwhelmed but not feeling upset about it, because I have supportive people who, if I said switch kids with me so I can sing naptime songs to Meatball, or if I told Musical Daddy to change our sheets, or bring a basket up, it would get done without a fuss, particularly since when the job is "right now" that's when it happens, and if it's "not yet but before naptime" or "after the game is over" then that's when it gets done.
For Sunday, I am thankful that cooperation and a sense of being on the same side underscores our day-to-day life in this household.
Today was a big letdown, but I'm actually glad that I've been doing this exercise so that I am forced to look on the bright side.
I applied for a teaching job. I was recommended by multiple people in the district. I didn't make it past the first round.
They didn't tell me either-- I had to hear it from one of the teachers. Such is life. I've been subbing there and I guess I will continue to do so, since it's not those teachers' fault. In fact I think I remember what I said that caused them not to pick me.
But even so, I am thankful for the knowledge that things will work out. Eventually. Even if it feels like constant disappointment. Or maybe I should cut my losses and just be thankful to have had the teaching experiences that I did have, back in NJ. I was very fortunate, and if that never comes my way again, then (to use a cheesy coffee cup quote) I won't cry because it's over; I'll smile because it happened.
And besides--Ender has been doing a great job getting people work, but I'm sure he wants to keep me with him a little longer.
On Friday, I left after dinner with Ender to travel to Michigan for the wedding of a longtime friend. Musical Daddy was under the weather and, given his respiratory issues, 5 hours in the car followed by a night or two in a dry hotel room wasn't going to work.
Saturday's "I am thankful " is easy. I'm thankful to have this friend in my life, thankful that he married a wonderful person, and also thankful for the opportunity to have a great time with other friends. Instead of spending the time dancing at the wedding ( even though they did the couple dance and the dance with their parents), they had us playing trivia.
And we would have won if some of my teammates hadn't thought to do math without being able to add, instead of just going hard or going home, risking all the points. Not the purpose though..
it was much more important to have sat at the table with friends and even to be able to pick on these guys for their mathematical ineptitude.
There was much Michigan football and marching band geekery. A good time was had by all,
Sunday morning was a true return to normalcy. Both Musical Daddy and my mother were feeling better. I went to work teaching religious school. The boys did a lot of playing. And the mountain of laundry threatened once again to overtake us.
When I got home, my youngest sister was there, and no one had eaten. And they wanted to. To steal a phrase from another friend, it was time for Macgyver lunch.
Then to the laundry. And, later, to a lesson. Musical Daddy asked how I was feeling, and I said I was a little overwhelmed but not feeling upset about it, because I have supportive people who, if I said switch kids with me so I can sing naptime songs to Meatball, or if I told Musical Daddy to change our sheets, or bring a basket up, it would get done without a fuss, particularly since when the job is "right now" that's when it happens, and if it's "not yet but before naptime" or "after the game is over" then that's when it gets done.
For Sunday, I am thankful that cooperation and a sense of being on the same side underscores our day-to-day life in this household.
Today was a big letdown, but I'm actually glad that I've been doing this exercise so that I am forced to look on the bright side.
I applied for a teaching job. I was recommended by multiple people in the district. I didn't make it past the first round.
They didn't tell me either-- I had to hear it from one of the teachers. Such is life. I've been subbing there and I guess I will continue to do so, since it's not those teachers' fault. In fact I think I remember what I said that caused them not to pick me.
But even so, I am thankful for the knowledge that things will work out. Eventually. Even if it feels like constant disappointment. Or maybe I should cut my losses and just be thankful to have had the teaching experiences that I did have, back in NJ. I was very fortunate, and if that never comes my way again, then (to use a cheesy coffee cup quote) I won't cry because it's over; I'll smile because it happened.
And besides--Ender has been doing a great job getting people work, but I'm sure he wants to keep me with him a little longer.
Friday, November 11, 2011
For 5:45
Right now I am thankful that the kids woke me at 5:45 and not 5 today. Poor Musical Daddy went to sleep down the hall because of his hacking cough, so I hope he stayed sleeping.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
For cheap thrills
I got a present for The Boy today.
Orange ones.
His very favorite color is orange. The socks were 5 for $5. I got 3 for him and 2 blue for Meatball.
I am thankful that my children appreciate small things and appreciate thoughtfulness without getting caught up in materialism. Sure, they like fancier things and would not turn down a new toy, but what a thrill for The Boy--new orange socks.
Orange ones.
His very favorite color is orange. The socks were 5 for $5. I got 3 for him and 2 blue for Meatball.
I am thankful that my children appreciate small things and appreciate thoughtfulness without getting caught up in materialism. Sure, they like fancier things and would not turn down a new toy, but what a thrill for The Boy--new orange socks.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
For turnarounds
5 AM. Really.
This time change is really screwing with us. I don't care what the rest of you all say--I'll take Spring Forward any day when it comes to my kids. They might actually sleep in the extra hour, and yet still allow everyone enough to get ready for school and work, because it's still plenty early.
I lost my ever-loving mind, and my short little temper, with Meatball at a little after 5 AM. Musical Daddy was there to bail me out, as we usually do for one another, but I just felt miserable. And of course I couldn't go back to sleep, and of course The Boy was awake as well.
Asleep on my feet, I trudged downstairs for some breakfast. I felt so bad for Musical Daddy, who still has not recovered from whatever illness had been plaguing him, and yet I had to get mad at Meatball instead of just letting him sleep and taking care of things properly. Bless their hearts, neither Meatball nor Musical Daddy were upset with me. Both forgave me and had hugs and affection anyway.
I brought the bigger boys to school. I was told that my boys are lovely, and I didn't do the nasty thing that so many parents do, which is to deny it, or say something like "are you sure you're talking about the right kids, because they're monsters at home." When someone compliments my children, I am thrilled because I know that they're getting their grumpies out at home and not bringing their issues out in public. Well...not bringing them out except when I'm with them because fighting Mom is sport around here. Point being, I'm always thrilled to hear nice things about my children. Particularly when, thanks to them, I'm in a sleepy fog and not in a great mood. It helps turn things around when someone says something nice.
I guess that's what I was thankful for today--the clarity that I possess to be able to take a compliment, and the sense to be able to turn things around instead of letting an early morning wakeup ruin my whole day. I was also reminded of how lucky I was to have the support people that I have, in this family, but each of those people will get their own day and their own entry.
This time change is really screwing with us. I don't care what the rest of you all say--I'll take Spring Forward any day when it comes to my kids. They might actually sleep in the extra hour, and yet still allow everyone enough to get ready for school and work, because it's still plenty early.
I lost my ever-loving mind, and my short little temper, with Meatball at a little after 5 AM. Musical Daddy was there to bail me out, as we usually do for one another, but I just felt miserable. And of course I couldn't go back to sleep, and of course The Boy was awake as well.
Asleep on my feet, I trudged downstairs for some breakfast. I felt so bad for Musical Daddy, who still has not recovered from whatever illness had been plaguing him, and yet I had to get mad at Meatball instead of just letting him sleep and taking care of things properly. Bless their hearts, neither Meatball nor Musical Daddy were upset with me. Both forgave me and had hugs and affection anyway.
I brought the bigger boys to school. I was told that my boys are lovely, and I didn't do the nasty thing that so many parents do, which is to deny it, or say something like "are you sure you're talking about the right kids, because they're monsters at home." When someone compliments my children, I am thrilled because I know that they're getting their grumpies out at home and not bringing their issues out in public. Well...not bringing them out except when I'm with them because fighting Mom is sport around here. Point being, I'm always thrilled to hear nice things about my children. Particularly when, thanks to them, I'm in a sleepy fog and not in a great mood. It helps turn things around when someone says something nice.
I guess that's what I was thankful for today--the clarity that I possess to be able to take a compliment, and the sense to be able to turn things around instead of letting an early morning wakeup ruin my whole day. I was also reminded of how lucky I was to have the support people that I have, in this family, but each of those people will get their own day and their own entry.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
For good eats
Today I am thankful for my ability to nurse my baby. It's something that just about every mother should be able to do, but so much gets in the way, so more mothers believe that they can't. So basically, I'm just thankful for doing what is biologically appropriate.
I gave a nice handful of freezer milk to a mother for her baby today. Her situation is a unique one, and I'm glad to help.
I gave a nice handful of freezer milk to a mother for her baby today. Her situation is a unique one, and I'm glad to help.
Monday, November 7, 2011
For growth
When The Boy was on treatment, he grew very slowly. It seemed like he wore 18 month clothes forever!
When he was about 4 months, I thought he was big because he was starting to wear 9 month clothing. Well, Ender is nearly 4 months and is starting to OUTGROW 9 month clothing.
I am still thankful every time I need to switch out their clothing for the next size up, because it means they are growing.
When he was about 4 months, I thought he was big because he was starting to wear 9 month clothing. Well, Ender is nearly 4 months and is starting to OUTGROW 9 month clothing.
I am still thankful every time I need to switch out their clothing for the next size up, because it means they are growing.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
For perspective
Today was an in-service day at Religious School. We were getting together with teachers from across our metro area (although it took place in our building this year) in a few different sessions.
Afterwards, we met with our own school's faculty and had discussions about what we learned. The topic turned to who had whom as a student and what type of student they were. Next to me was a teacher that I had had, and I mentioned that I was a horrible student, always in trouble, always getting in fights, despite my work being good.
This teacher was one that I never would have described as a "nice" teacher. She is a nice person particularly now that I'm an adult, but my feelings about her then and now were, she doesn't have to be the nicest--she actually taught us things and made us take the time to practice prayers and texts so that we would know them.
Anyhow, she said that I was a wonderful student. Despite all of the issues, and maybe she didn't see them, or maybe it wasn't as my 10 year old miserable self remembers it...
So today I am thankful that with age comes maturity, perspective, and closure.
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Afterwards, we met with our own school's faculty and had discussions about what we learned. The topic turned to who had whom as a student and what type of student they were. Next to me was a teacher that I had had, and I mentioned that I was a horrible student, always in trouble, always getting in fights, despite my work being good.
This teacher was one that I never would have described as a "nice" teacher. She is a nice person particularly now that I'm an adult, but my feelings about her then and now were, she doesn't have to be the nicest--she actually taught us things and made us take the time to practice prayers and texts so that we would know them.
Anyhow, she said that I was a wonderful student. Despite all of the issues, and maybe she didn't see them, or maybe it wasn't as my 10 year old miserable self remembers it...
So today I am thankful that with age comes maturity, perspective, and closure.
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For lifelong passions
This was supposed to be yesterday's entry but I got home late from round 3 of barbershoppy goodness after midnight (EDT).
Musical Daddy had an excellent first show with his chorus. The Boy came with, and was a joy. What a lovely bunch of people in this chorus. It's a great fit both ways. I wish I could sing with them, but of course, it's orchestra night.
The men's chorus he sang with previously had a show today, and I was able to catch the afterglow and do my favorite thing after a show, which is to find 3 other friends and sing one. Or three.
I love my orchestra. It's a high level performing group. And I love to be around barbershop singing. I would love to sing in a quartet again...eventually. Unless I find 3 others with daytime availability.
I am thankful for the positive culture of musical ensembles. I look forward to being a lifelong musician, both professionally and for the fun of it.
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Musical Daddy had an excellent first show with his chorus. The Boy came with, and was a joy. What a lovely bunch of people in this chorus. It's a great fit both ways. I wish I could sing with them, but of course, it's orchestra night.
The men's chorus he sang with previously had a show today, and I was able to catch the afterglow and do my favorite thing after a show, which is to find 3 other friends and sing one. Or three.
I love my orchestra. It's a high level performing group. And I love to be around barbershop singing. I would love to sing in a quartet again...eventually. Unless I find 3 others with daytime availability.
I am thankful for the positive culture of musical ensembles. I look forward to being a lifelong musician, both professionally and for the fun of it.
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Friday, November 4, 2011
For the drive, and the reward
Odd day today. Mildly sick kids, rather sick husband, and me off at work substituting. So instead of the two older boys going off to school as they usually do on Fridays, they were home with Grandma and Aunt J. All day.
Meanwhile, I taught band and orchestra to classes full of hard-working and cooperative students. As a substitute teacher. I know that I should be teaching again; hopefully I will be. I certainly had an easier day at work than anyone had at our house.
But what was interesting to me was the amount of patience and tolerance I felt through most of the rest of the evening. It helped to have continued assistance with the baby so that I could build a 2-story block house (with outside slide of course) with The Boy and explore duplo tower possibilities with Meatball. What fun we had! They even cleaned up!
I did the Shabbat blessings with the boys and had dinner with them. Following dinner, we went outside for a bit. Meatball wasn't having it--he was cold and is still not quite feeling well yet.
Play-Doh is another mom activity around here. We did that too. I try to avoid TV when possible, and save viewing time with me for when I need them to sit down. And who really "needs" little kids to sit down?
Anyhow, today I am thankful for the gratification and joy that is present both when I teach and and when I do the domestic thing. Even when either of those things presents seemingly insurmountable. I'm glad to even have the potential for a teaching job.
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Meanwhile, I taught band and orchestra to classes full of hard-working and cooperative students. As a substitute teacher. I know that I should be teaching again; hopefully I will be. I certainly had an easier day at work than anyone had at our house.
But what was interesting to me was the amount of patience and tolerance I felt through most of the rest of the evening. It helped to have continued assistance with the baby so that I could build a 2-story block house (with outside slide of course) with The Boy and explore duplo tower possibilities with Meatball. What fun we had! They even cleaned up!
I did the Shabbat blessings with the boys and had dinner with them. Following dinner, we went outside for a bit. Meatball wasn't having it--he was cold and is still not quite feeling well yet.
Play-Doh is another mom activity around here. We did that too. I try to avoid TV when possible, and save viewing time with me for when I need them to sit down. And who really "needs" little kids to sit down?
Anyhow, today I am thankful for the gratification and joy that is present both when I teach and and when I do the domestic thing. Even when either of those things presents seemingly insurmountable. I'm glad to even have the potential for a teaching job.
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Thursday, November 3, 2011
For simple pleasures
Today I am thankful for my children's ability to amuse themselves with simple toys and pursuits. They are tech-savvy and love TV, but I get so excited at the sight of their eyes lighting up when I say "let's paint!" or when The Boy builds with his Trio blocks. If you haven't seen them, they are a great building set for kids starting at age 3, or age 2 if they have good dexterity, which Meatball seems to have.
He loves those blocks too, although his thing is to take all the single red blocks and stack them up, even though it means that The Boy doesn't have them.
Very off day today. We felt very directionless. The Boy had a fever, and still does, so he did not go to school. Meatball seemed okay but ended up having a fever as well. So, no school for either one tomorrow. Unfortunately, I am working tomorrow. Good thing we have Aunt J coming to help.
I'm not sure if it makes me an insensitive mother or if it makes my mother an exceptional grandmother, that I have no problem leaving my kids with her and Aunt J, even when sick. I guess since I left The Boy with Grandma while he was on treatment, and he just got so comfortable, it became that much easier. I absolutely follow their lead--if my kids like someone, they barely even say bye to me (making school drop off pretty easy, because they love it), although they are thrilled to see me.
The Boy should be in bed, but he can go ahead and stay up late, and then sleep in. Not like he is going anywhere tomorrow.
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He loves those blocks too, although his thing is to take all the single red blocks and stack them up, even though it means that The Boy doesn't have them.
Very off day today. We felt very directionless. The Boy had a fever, and still does, so he did not go to school. Meatball seemed okay but ended up having a fever as well. So, no school for either one tomorrow. Unfortunately, I am working tomorrow. Good thing we have Aunt J coming to help.
I'm not sure if it makes me an insensitive mother or if it makes my mother an exceptional grandmother, that I have no problem leaving my kids with her and Aunt J, even when sick. I guess since I left The Boy with Grandma while he was on treatment, and he just got so comfortable, it became that much easier. I absolutely follow their lead--if my kids like someone, they barely even say bye to me (making school drop off pretty easy, because they love it), although they are thrilled to see me.
The Boy should be in bed, but he can go ahead and stay up late, and then sleep in. Not like he is going anywhere tomorrow.
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011
For the ordinary fever
Today I am thankful that The Boy having a fever does NOT mean an automatic express hospital admission via the ER.
I have a feeling that we will be revisiting a lot of The Boy's medical history soon. He is starting to get curious about his scars. He may also be tapped into the fact that he visits the doctor more often than anyone else.
I have a feeling that many entries in this exercise will revolve around the recovery from The Boy's major illness. There is SO much for which we can be thankful.

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I have a feeling that we will be revisiting a lot of The Boy's medical history soon. He is starting to get curious about his scars. He may also be tapped into the fact that he visits the doctor more often than anyone else.
I have a feeling that many entries in this exercise will revolve around the recovery from The Boy's major illness. There is SO much for which we can be thankful.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011
30 days
As an excuse to revive my rather neglected blog, I am going to post here every day in November, to discuss those things for which I am thankful.
I'm starting on November 1st by being thankful for this exercise, as I envision it being a great tool for maintaining a positive attitude.
I'm starting on November 1st by being thankful for this exercise, as I envision it being a great tool for maintaining a positive attitude.
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